Democracy and active citizenship in school

Are you a teacher interested in democracy in school? This course will provide teachers with insights and practical skills that will enable them to foster their pupils to become active democratic European and global citizens.

Target groups: Teachers primary and lower secondary school

OID: E10270028


Course overview and details

This is a course for teachers who are interested in developing their theoretical and practical knowledge and get new insights in the teaching of democratic values in school. Different perspectives will be discussed and you will learn more about the Swedish democratic and value-based curriculum. We will encourage best-practice exchange and discussions about how to foster democratic pupils in a European and global context.

Download Course modules, objectives, methods

Download Learning outcomes


Course details

Venue: Stockholm, Sweden
Course days: 5 + 1-2 travel days

Course dates:
3-7 June (closed)
21-25 October (open)

Programme: 8.30 am - 2.30 pm
Trainer: Jannica Andreasson

Course Fee E+ grant: 450€
Course Fee no E+ grant: 450€

NB! Accomodation, meals and local transport are not included in the course fee. For more information and advise about subsistance and accomodation please contact: